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Of Sirens and Centaurs

Medieval Sculpture at Exeter Cathedral

(Impress, 2013)

'A lovely book ... full of provocative ideas'

Christopher Howse (The Telegraph)

Of Sirens and Centaurs reconsiders the wealth of architectural sculpture at Exeter Cathedral. Hundreds of roof bosses, corbels and other carvings remain from the Gothic programme of rebuilding in the 13th and 14th centuries. Many of these images are unknown, while some present perplexing scenes. Who carved them and why? I look closely at the mermaids, dragons, plants, legends and saints that feature among the architecture, relating them to the medieval love of playful and complex imagery.

Gargoyles and Grotesques

(Bloomsbury, 2011)

Gargoyles and Grotesques introduces the imaginative world of medieval stone carving. From the captivating images themselves to the patrons and creators of these pieces, this book provides a glimpse into the world of the medieval stonemason and the architectural context within which they worked. Numerous illustrations make it a useful resource for contemporary carvers and designers too.

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